..I may start to cull earlier posts. We'll see. At the mo it's not an issue.

I have made a fair few little sculptures, though a fair number were thrown out without my say so. A lot are made from scraps I find on the beach or rusting in sheds.I have a a 'found' pedestal to mount this one on. Some time.
If i get to do what Picasso did: keep back things for his own collection, I may not let any of these objects out of the studio. They are very personal and far fewer than the paintings and drawings. Need a location to set up The Ferris Foundation.
There is a stretch of North-East coast running from Castle Eden Dene to the one at Crimdon. It always has great driftwood and interesting stones. Can mount some things at school, but a shame my father didn't help, although he had the necessary skills.