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Not a good start

Woke up at 4.00 and then sneezing like a nutjob because of the pollen!

This Immortal Coil. Ink over oil pastel used as homemade scraperboard on Khadi paper. The first ones i did were all black. Tried to see how coloured inks behaved. This combines an iris with uroboros, almost an atomic diagram.

When i was young I was a complete nighthawk, not I am a lark; an odd shift, unexpected. It may be the need for daylight as opposed to unconscious flow in the night-time? I know you can get tungsten lights to make a studio properly lit, but i don't really have a proper studio. My biggest works I have made at school and on the floor of a friend's barn. And with the price of property round here, I won't get one, until I suddenly become famous. I am not holding my breath.

Ely in the sun yesterday was wonderful, such a treat. Bought 4 books in a charity shop including a Tate Cezanne catalogue. Looking on Amazon to get a copy of the RA show 'Bronze,' I was so shocked by the greedy prices attached to single run books. Sad that some of my most valuable ones were ruined by a garage flood when they were in storage. Although I regret their passing for the images and essays, not for their monetary value.

When I am as tired as I am this morning painting is very difficult. I can make backgrounds, but not properly create. And I will take a sleeping tablet tonight. Feeling frustrated!

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