I have had an offer from a collector via Saatchi. What was $500, ends as $256. Sigh!

The gallery system has to involve commission, or else the owners cannot pay their overheads, but this is a virtual system and it seems a rather extreme reduction. Had the fee been the whole of the month's rent, I would have leapt at it. I might dig the picture out and see how I feel. It's a good one, so am pretty happy that the buyer has great taste, but there is a lurking paradox that success is tainted with failure.
School today too, but not until 11.00. Was going to take the banoffee pie I made into work, but not so sure now. I don't have the right sized Tupperware, and doing the delicate walk to transport it is a bother. Still dipping into the Italian, and when I went back to the start of the course to review, it seemed very simple. The Spanish makes it easier and harder at the same time.
Bought new shoes and trousers and undershirts at the weekend. If you remember, I planned to do money-in-money-out as the rule, but that soon slipped. I now have a bit of an opportunity to do that. I can also say, tongue in cheek, that getting rid of a painting is a good think. It frees up space. But I have done 50 little works so fat this month anyway!