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Getting nearer the end of the year

And setting a target of 1000 followers is pie in the sky when you die, I fear!

May have reached the point where this image has been posted twice, but who cares, who notices? No-one. So Perhaps I should just go on posting the same image over and over ad infinitum? At least I am not stuck in the inferno that is southern Europe.

I have been more and more incensed by the sheer nonsense spokespersons announce about Education. I wish they'd just say, 'We don't care about the north and we will never do anything substantial about it's shortfall.' And the surprise expressed that private school gets twice as many top grades as State overall, will never be changed either, partly because of the aspirations of the families from which the students come. But saying that flies in the face of the glib accepted received knowledge that talent is distributed evenly across all areas of the country, all classes and all ethnicities. Well, I suppose I better bow to the god of PC snow.

Let me cancel this negativity by saying I am so looking forward to a regime change where I work. But then funding and general inertia may stop the thing from moving forward. so much ground has been lost and recuperating will take leviathan efforts..

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