So looking forward to non-essential shopping.

Only people who have flunkeys to do the shopping for them could decide which type of shop goes in which category, and certainly no gay people were involved in the decisions! I love second-hand bookshops, charity shops and cake shops. The last being vital.
Two lessons today and a fire drill. It was warmer on the field lined up than it was in the classrooms. Metaphor in there for something or other. Next to no art-making today. Wanted to finish off the current Ian Rankin and get on to another Agatha Christie. I love crime fiction because it is so unlikely. Maybe the same with Dickens. Will have to think on that one.
Now I have to try to solve the video upload and display on this thing. It's as unlikely as those tropes of crime fiction. I never feel really happy when I work it out; rather just relieved. It's heading for the end of the month and no sales. AGAIN! That is the one true mystery. I will invent a new dance, like the rain dance, it'll conjure forth the godlings of the pC and produce a downpour, metaphorically speaking.
My cousins and I will need to do the 'Art or Rubbish Dance' in the galleries of the US, just as soon as I can fly there. The DIA is great for that as its visitor total is so much lower than those of NYC.
The Abraxean World Egg is about to hatch, Hope the fledgling is not too ugly and dependant.