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Early riser

They say you need less sleep as you get older. I just worry about my huge sleep debt!

Painting 'Calmer' in the studio in Homerton. I think it no longer exists. The department certainly went through a bumpy patch after Richard Hickman retired. Not I have only grey hair, no dark, no bleaching.

I had arranged a residency in Mexico City before this awful pandemic. It has been shelved. I hope it will be possible next year perhaps, but have no idea currently how things lie. I apply for competitions, juried exhibitions and residencies on a regular basis, but tend to get disheartened when I fail to get past the finishing-post.

But when I see the crap promoted by Saatchi currently I have to cringe. The very worst think is the art bollocks they wrap around their curatorial choices. [That's an Art Review coinage for the utter nonsense written and spoken about artists' work. The moment I see the words 'practice' or 'engagement' I suffer an attack of nausea].

Yes, I should have tried harder earlier, and ignored any setbacks or refusals. It seems the enthusiastic Sunday painter has more time to fill out online forms and are affluent enough to afford the framing and the day out to go down to the Royal Academy, or wherever. I am no longer bitter about this; it is what it is. At least, I now have a warehouse full of stock and people seem to like the work on Facebook and Twitter. No trolling... yet!

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