YouGov and I-say sent me two about retail. Do people actually THINK about such things?
My astrologer housemate says Mars and Mercury in conjunction make it a day for fighting (or courage maybe). I have unfriended a swath of people to avoid them seeing any diatribe. The world is so messed up, one more rant shouldn't matter but, oddly, I hate confrontation. When the mess becomes unbearable there tends to be an explosion of anger. Not the best strategy, but I clearly expect too much in advance of interaction.
My mother's passing was almost 2 whole years ago, but no probate, no flat sale, no apparent movement at all. And I have now had enough. May cause a familial crisis, but I have truly had it (or rather not had it!). She would have been outraged at the foot-dragging, the failure to reach any resolution. When I see Kabul, Haiti, Plymouth and grasp the idiocy of the world and the failure of the international and local communities to achieve things before disastrous events occur I despair. However, the micro is exactly the same as the macro. Technology should have made everything easier, but it has just muddied the waters.
Priti Patel is on the BBC. Hold on, I have to switch her off. I just can't listen to her glibness. I have put the Bruch violin concerto on to soothe my troubled breast. That Man can produce such sublimity in the face of all the awfulness might calm me. But it might not.