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What is this thing called cool?

Stepped outside and di not feel like Daniel in the fiery furnace. Gosh.

They say it might rain later. And I might be a famous artist before my death. Both equally likely. I have just been dragging framed pics out of store in the garage, ready for CDS. May have to have some restrung, and might cjeat a little with reusing and repurposing.

They claim they are willing to accept experimental and avant-garde stuff, provided it is well executed. They certainly didn't last time I tried. And how exactly to judge the 'avant-garde.' Judging by curatorial choices I have observed recently, the selection committees have about as much chance of spotting the next great thing as I have of travelling back in time and bring a baby brontosaurus to the Natural History Museum for study. Or maybe less.

The worst thing about this lovely change in the weather is that spray painting in the back garden is not quite so easy. I might put down some acrylic backgrounds first, and do a load on Saturday. Was called into school then cancelled. Sums up my very existence.

So wonderful person, thanks for reading thsi, even if you don't exist either!

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