BBC discussing football with Gordon Brown. Oh, life is so splendid!

Supposed to get my arse in gear about CDS, but just being a bit slow. Frankly. I will have to re-purpose old framed pictures - I bought several in Ely charity shops. But then I have to have the right sort of nails and tape. I know you have to spend money to make money, but this notion of 'building up stock' has no guarantee of business success.
I love doing ballpoint drawings. You cannot rub out. Occasionally, I use pencil just to place the subject on the page, but that is with more complicated things, such as mounted skeletons. Cambridge Drawing Society claims it accepts the experimental if well-made, but like most parochial institutions, it is somewhat conservative (with lower and upper case letters there?).
I am seriously contemplating cancelling my Saatchi page as it is now SO very ArtFinderish, to coin a phrase. One lesson today, Hardly seems worth going in; another metaphor for life, the universe and everything!