Equinox and astronomical Spring starting, but t is grey outside my window!

Horned Head, April 2019, acrylic and enamel on cardboard. Woke up after one dream set in a high-rise in Moscow, one in a 19th century London with me speaking French throughout. My hands are hurting. Not a good start.
It'll be Tom's Cakes for second breakfast a bit before 9.00. Will start to read 'Dying Light' by Stuart MacBride. Just finished my first Lynda La Plante. Great plot, but the writing was a little bit dull. I get through a book a week, most often detective fiction.
Should make beef stew today. Will see how I feel in a couple of hours time. Rarely buy red meet, but just fancied it all of a sudden. Lockdown makes everything more of a strain, more of an effort.