The processes of the world are interminable, and I fear they are designed to be such!

So here is my daily carp: I sold a pic on the above platform, for peanuts. It wasn't expensive to begin with, but than an un-negotiated discount was subtracted. It is always an absolute faff to get the thing ready - boxed correctly with bubblewrap, foamboard and reinforced corners. A certificate of authenticity has to be added inside and barcoded address info sellotaped to the outside. That is sometimes 2 pages long. Then a declaration for customs needs filling in and three invoices included in a separate plastic wallet.
Having had no end of trouble before, I actually photographed said parcel and docs in the kitchen, though didn't video the driver collecting. I assumed records would say who and when the collection was made. But I then get an email asking if I had sent the docs. They appear in the sales dashboard on the site. If by any chance there is a new requirement, I might have missed it in the rush to complete. An EORI is needed for export. I have one, but have never had to print a copy to go with the list aforementioned. Maybe Brexit has altered the requirements?
The last failure brought the box back with a huge bootprint on the front. New docs had to be printed and another collection date scheduled. If I am holiday no worries, but if at school I have to alter the place the DHL man has to go. But one gets to the point where one wants the guy to sign a form to prove in court that handover was successfully completed.
I sent a flippant complaint to which they took offence. Asking AGAIN if I had included the documents. I want to reply 'I will not answer this email.' But will refrain. Just won't look at it until I have completed the Babylon entry. It has to be in by midday on 12th. Have an idea, but will have to work like a slave for a whole week. Friends advise me to stop ranting and to stay calm. I am beyond that by so far...